Can I Change Attorneys in the Middle of a Divorce Trial?

For most people, going through a divorce is painful. Unfortunately, many spouses going through this process find themselves considering another kind of premature end, as well: firing their lawyer. Too many clients find their divorce trials slipping out their control because of mishandled, inattentive representation. They do, however, have options.

Even if an individual is in the middle of a divorce trial, it is possible to change lawyers. In fact, many firms make it fairly painless for new clients to make this transition and handle much of the transfer for them.

The change process will typically look like the following:

  • Seek a new divorce lawyer you'd like to represent you.
  • Settle up your bill with your current lawyer.
  • Talk to the new lawyer about payments.
  • Start receiving counsel from the new lawyer.

It's Your Divorce-You're the Boss

Too many divorce clients feel like they have to weather less-than-excellent representation during a trial, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Attorneys should be working on your behalf and if you suspect you're not getting the counsel you need, you have every right seek another lawyer.

At Jason M. Barbara & Associates, P.C., our Nassau County divorce lawyers know the stakes in a divorce trial are too high to trust to just anyone. We've helped countless clients regain control of their divorce settlement and get their trial back on track.

If you believe your current divorce representation isn't meeting your divorce trial needs, we invite you to call us today.
